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Total Relationship Balance information

What is Total Relationship Balance?

Based on the rolling average Total Relationship Balance, it determines what level of bonus interest on Hong Kong dollar savings accounts and below balance fee of HSBC Premier you can enjoy.

Total Relationship Balance (TRB)1 includes:

  • Hong Kong dollar/ renminbi / foreign currency deposits
  • Market value of the following investments: local and overseas securities, unit trusts, bonds, certificates of deposit, equity linked investments, structured notes, Monthly Investment Plan (stocks/ unit trusts) and Wayfoong Statement Gold
  • Deposit amounts of Deposit Plus and Structured Investment Deposits
  • Utilised lending facilities (excluding mortgages and amounts outstanding on credit cards)
  • Life insurance with savings or investment component+
  • HSBC MPF balances and HSBC ORSO Defined Contribution Scheme balances which are administered by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

+For life insurance with savings or investment component: 

  1. Investment-linked life insurance policies include the total cash value of the policies; 
  2. Other life insurance policies include the total cash value of the policies OR total premium paid less any annuity payments received (if applicable), whichever is higher.

To determine your overall TRB in sole capacity, the applicable TRB of all your personal sole account(s)2 and all your joint account(s)3 will be included in the calculation. 

To determine your overall TRB in joint capacity, the applicable TRB of all your joint account(s)2 held with the same joint account holder(s) will be included in the calculation.


  1. There may be a time lag before the value of certain investment transactions(eg Initial Public Offering (IPO) subscriptions for securities, bonds, open-end funds and certificates of deposit) and life insurance policies will be included in the TRB due to the processing time required and therefore may affect the TRB in the Bank's record.
  2. All these accounts must be held or registered under the same name(s) and identity number(s).
  3. Your name and identity number held or registered under these joint accounts must be the same as that held or registered under your sole account.