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Professional institution

Merchant List


Bill payment for EMF

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Member Fee

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


02 Seminar

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Activities

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 Course

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Donation

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for EMF

Bill type

01 Member Fee

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill type

02 Seminar

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Activities

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 Course

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Donation

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited

Bill payment for Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited

Bill type

Bill account number

01 HAECO Club

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


02 ifly staff Concession Ticket Fare

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Transportation Fee

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 HAECO Veterans Club

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Other HR Payments

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited

Bill payment for Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited

Bill type

01 HAECO Club

Bill account number

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill type

02 ifly staff Concession Ticket Fare

Bill account number

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Transportation Fee

Bill account number

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 HAECO Veterans Club

Bill account number

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Other HR Payments

Bill account number

10 Digits of Billing Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Ltd*

Bill payment for Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Ltd

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Membership

10-digit Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Training Programs

10-digit Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Ltd*

Bill payment for Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Ltd

Bill type

01 Membership

Bill account number

10-digit Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Training Programs

Bill account number

10-digit Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: HK INSTITUTE OF HR MGT LTD

The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers

Bill payment for The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Renewal Registration Fee

Insurance Agent Registration Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 First Registration Fee

Insurance Agent Registration Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Additional Registration Fee

Insurance Agent Registration Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers

Bill payment for The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers

Bill type

01 Renewal Registration Fee

Bill account number

Insurance Agent Registration Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 First Registration Fee

Bill account number

Insurance Agent Registration Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Additional Registration Fee

Bill account number

Insurance Agent Registration Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers

Bill payment for The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Membership Fee

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Programme Fee

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Examination Fee

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 Publication

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Other Fee

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers

Bill payment for The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers

Bill type

01 Membership Fee

Bill account number

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Programme Fee

Bill account number

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Examination Fee

Bill account number

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 Publication

Bill account number

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Other Fee

Bill account number

Payment number listed on the payment notice

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Hong Kong Institute of Housing

Bill payment for The Hong Kong Institute of Housing

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Corporate Member Annual Fee

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Practitioner Annual Fee

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Other Membership Annual Fee

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
04 CPD Events / Function Fee

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
05 Miscellaneous Payment

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Hong Kong Institute of Housing

Bill payment for The Hong Kong Institute of Housing

Bill type

01 Corporate Member Annual Fee

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Practitioner Annual Fee

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Other Membership Annual Fee

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

04 CPD Events / Function Fee

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

05 Miscellaneous Payment

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions

Bill payment for The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Membership Fee

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions

Bill payment for The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions

Bill type

01 Membership Fee

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Federation of HK & KLN Labour Unions

Bill payment for The Federation of HK & KLN Labour Unions

Bill type

Bill account number

01 Membership Fee

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
02 Activity Fee

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
03 Course Fee

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

The Federation of HK & KLN Labour Unions

Bill payment for The Federation of HK & KLN Labour Unions

Bill type

01 Membership Fee

Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

02 Activity Fee

Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill type

03 Course Fee

Bill account number

Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment