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A smiling woman who is having a phone call; image used in contact us page

Contact us

At HSBC Broking, we are committed to provide you with premium customer service and we value your feedback. If you have any enquiries, feedback or complaints, please contact us through the following channels and we will get back to you shortly.


HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited

Level 25, HSBC Main Building,

1 Queen's Road Central,

Hong Kong

The map of HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited

Other contact method

General hotline

(852) 2521 1661

Hotline service hours:

Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 5:30 pm

(except public holidays)

Resolving your complaint

HSBC Broking offers different channels to lodge a complaint (eg. Email, telephone, letter, callback, fax, in-person)

Upon receiving the complaint (on a business day), we will acknowledge receipt of your concern verbally or in writing within two business days. A verbal or written reply will be provided to you advising of any progress / results within 7 business days. In general, the result of the complaint would be reverted within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt. In case we need more time to look into a matter, we will keep you informed and advise you of the contact details of the person following up on your case. All complaints are reflected to management and will be handled in total confidence by employees with the right experience and authority who are not directly involved in the matters of concern. If a complaint is raised by a third party on behalf of a customer, we will only contact the customer directly to protect his/her privacy. Appropriate redress will be offered if a complaint is upheld, but it may not necessarily involve financial compensation. You can ask for your case to be reviewed by management at a higher level within HSBC Broking if you are dissatisfied with the handling or outcome of your complaint. If you wish to report any complaint relating to HSBC Broking, you may contact the Complaints Officer at the Regulatory Compliance Department of HSBC Broking at (852) 3989 8291.

We aim to resolve all complaints on a one-on-one basis with our customers. However, if despite our best efforts you are not entirely satisfied with the handling or outcome of your complaint, you have the right to refer the matter to the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) at 54/F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. For monetary disputes, you may also refer your case to the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) at Room 408-409, 4/F, West Wing, Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong. We fully cooperate with the SFC and the FDRC.