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Wealth Insights

Read our latest insights curated to meet your investment and wealth needs, ranging from our house view, FX trends, global and regional market outlook, to sustainability insights, thought leadership articles and financial education.

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Capture market moves and our latest views

The Bank of England (BoE) voted by 7-2 to hold the bank rate at its current level of 5.25%...[21 Jun]
US stocks and Treasuries were higher before PCE data. [28 Jun]
For its seventh consecutive meeting, the FOMC voted unanimously to leave the benchmark...[13 Jun]
April’s improved US inflation data and a less hawkish Fed tone suggest that a Fed rate cut...[1 Jun]
Market expectations for Fed rate cuts have been on a roller-coaster ride, swinging from too...[23 May]

Stay on top of the FX market

FX markets are seeing key differences in the tone and pace of G10 central bank exit...[25 Jun]
AUD fell against the dollar yesterday despite USD fell after softer US economic reports...[28 Jun]
We still expect a strong USD in the months ahead…[24 Jun]
The BoJ just said it would reduce bond purchases but delayed providing details until its...[17 Jun]
The USD is slightly stronger after the Fed's “hawkish hold”, with the median dot for 2024...[13 Jun]

Explore regional opportunities

China’s central bank is promoting a financial support scheme for affordable housing in a...[19 Jun]
China announced a slew of policy easily measures, from lower mortgage rates to local...[21 May]
During China’s National People’s Congress in March, the authorities showed their...[7 May]
We think the Greater Bay Area (GBA) stands to benefit from the government’s focus on “new...[19 Apr]
Exports are starting to tick up, and consumption is proving quite resilient. [2 Apr]

Keep up with ESG and new trends

Insect protein plays an important role in future food security, providing rich nutritional...[14 Jun]
Social issues related to matters such as wages and treatment of workers have been growing...[24 May]
Tourism, as we know it, is changing in the face of rising temperatures and extreme weather...[28 Mar]
The transition away from fossil fuels was mentioned for the first time in a climate...[9 Jan]
The scarcity of ESG investment products and fragmented data across the region have... [7 Dec]

Learn to invest

Diversification involves spreading your investments across a wide range of assets to...[19 Jun]
We surveyed over 11,000 affluent individuals across 11 markets and asked some simple yet...[5 Jun]
This article aims to provide you with a general understanding about Securitised Credit.[9 May]
Have you ever had a dreaded ‘what if’ scenario plague your thoughts? What if something bad...[3 May]
The returns of a bond are composed of coupon income and price changes. A key metric of...[29 Apr]

More articles

The CAD holds steady, after the BoC’s first rate cut since 2020. [11 Jun]
Coming into 2024, markets were pricing between five and seven rate cuts for the major...[24 Jun]
The JPY and CHF both gained recently on policy considerations…[3 Jun]
The ECB delivered its first rate cut in almost five years, and did not wait for the Fed to...[7 Jun]
Multi-asset funds enable investors to access a diverse range of asset classes within a...[18 Apr]
Climate change poses a significant threat to coffee production as suitable land for... [13 Oct ]