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Deposit Plus

Capture currency market opportunities to generate interest and increase potential return starting from HKD5,000

Seize the chance to earn interest with Deposit Plus

Earn higher potential interest as you exchange your money into 11 major currencies at the exchange rate you set. Meet FX needs such as expenses of travelling abroad, paying for your children's overseas tuition fees, and investing in a foreign country. All you need is HKD5,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies) to get started. 

Key features

Generate higher potential interest

Generate interest and capture the chance to increase potential return, even when the foreign exchange market is stagnant

The chance to exchange at a better rate

You'll have the chance to exchange your preferred currency at your pre-defined rate, which might be better than the initial rate with no FX exchange spread[@initialrate]

Choose your preferred tenor

Opt from a range of currency pairs with investment tenors as short as one week

Market snapshot

Deposit Plus interest rate (p.a.)

This table shows the interest rate (p.a.) for currency pairings. The table is updated weekly, and is current as of 24 July 2024.
Deposit currency Linked currency
Interest rate (p.a.)
USD JPY 7 Days 15.00%
JPY NZD 7 Days 13.00%
USD AUD 7 Days   12.50%
This table shows the interest rate (p.a.) for currency pairings. The table is updated weekly, and is current as of 24 July 2024.
Deposit currency USD
Linked currency
7 Days
Interest rate (p.a.) 15.00%
Deposit currency JPY
Linked currency
7 Days
Interest rate (p.a.) 13.00%
Deposit currency USD
Linked currency
7 Days  
Interest rate (p.a.) 12.50%

The above interest rates are indicative only. They are not guaranteed and are subject to revision as per prevailing market conditions.

Top 5 currency pairs

Week of 12 - 18 July 2024
Ranking Deposit currency
Linked currency
Week of 12 - 18 July 2024
Ranking 1
Deposit currency
Linked currency
Ranking 2
Deposit currency
Linked currency
Ranking 3
Deposit currency
Linked currency
Ranking 4
Deposit currency
Linked currency
Ranking 5
Deposit currency
Linked currency

Currency pairs in this table are ranked in descending order according to transaction volume as recorded by HSBC in Hong Kong during the specified period.

How does Deposit Plus work?

Here's an illustrative example to help you understand how you could capture growth opportunities with Deposit Plus.

John is planning a trip to Australia in the next 2 weeks. He wants to exchange some money in HKD for AUD, and he believes that AUD/HKD will remain stable in the coming week.

We'll assume that the AUD/HKD spot rate is 5.2228.

If John makes an exchange now, he will exchange HKD10,000 for AUD1,914.68.

But he chooses to place a Deposit Plus with these details.

Deposit Currency Linked Currency
Spot rate (AUD / HKD) Conversion rate (AUD / HKD) Interest Rate
HKD AUD 14 days
5.2228 5.2209 6.50% p.a.

Here's an illustrative example to help you understand how you could capture growth opportunities with Deposit Plus.

John is planning a trip to Australia in the next 2 weeks. He wants to exchange some money in HKD for AUD, and he believes that AUD/HKD will remain stable in the coming week.

We'll assume that the AUD/HKD spot rate is 5.2228.

If John makes an exchange now, he will exchange HKD10,000 for AUD1,914.68.

But he chooses to place a Deposit Plus with these details.

Deposit Currency HKD
Linked Currency
14 days
Spot rate (AUD / HKD) 5.2228
Conversion rate (AUD / HKD) 5.2209
Interest Rate 6.50% p.a.

Fees and charges

Generally, you won't be charged any additional fees when you invest in Deposit Plus. Any operational, administrative and hedging costs, etc. are covered when we calculate the return and/or other variables. 

Set up a Deposit Plus in just 3 steps

step 1

1. Choose your deposit and linked currencies

Available currencies include AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD and USD.   

step 2

2. Enter a deposit amount and choose a tenor

Tenors range from as short as 1 week to 3 months.

step 3

3. Set your desired conversion or interest rate

At maturity, determined by the exchange rate on the fixing date to receive principal and interest in the deposit currency or linked currency at the predetermined conversion rate.

Ready to set up a Deposit Plus?

Via HSBC Online Banking

Log on to HSBC Online Banking now to get started.

Via the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app

You can also set up a Deposit Plus through the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app.

Award-winning Deposit Plus platform

Excellence Performance in Digital Trading Platform

HSBC won the top award for 'Digital Trading Platform' at the Bloomberg Businessweek – Financial Institution Awards in 2023

Best Digital Wealth Platform

HSBC won the top award of 'Best Digital Wealth Platform' at The Digital Banker - Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards 2023

Find out more

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    The information shown on this website is neither a recommendation, an offer, nor a solicitation for any investment product or service. Investment involves risk. You should carefully consider whether any investment product or service mentioned herein is appropriate for you in view of your personal circumstances. Past performance is no guide to future performance. Investors should refer to the individual product explanatory memorandum or offering document for further details and risks involved. The price of investment products may move up or down. Losses may be incurred as well as profits made as a result of buying and selling investment products.

    Deposit Plus is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (the 'SFC'). The offering documents of Deposit Plus have not been reviewed by the SFC or any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. You should exercise caution when buying any Deposit Plus.


    Risk disclosure – Deposit Plus

    • Not a time deposit – Deposit Plus is NOT equivalent to, nor should it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit. It is NOT a protected deposit and is NOT protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.
    • Derivatives risk – Deposit Plus is embedded with FX option(s). Option transactions involve risks, especially when selling an option. Although the premium received from selling an option is fixed, you may sustain a loss well in excess of such premium amount, and your loss could be substantial.
    • Limited potential gain – The maximum potential gain is limited to the interest on the deposit.
    • Maximum potential loss – Deposit Plus is not principal-protected. You must be prepared to incur loss as a result of depreciation in the value of the currency paid (if the deposit is converted to the linked currency at maturity). Such loss may offset the interest earned on the deposit and may even result in losses in the principal amount of the deposit.
    • Not the same as buying the linked currency – Investing in Deposit Plus is not the same as buying the linked currency directly.
    • Market risk – The net return of Deposit Plus will depend upon the exchange rate of the deposit currency against the linked currency prevailing at the deposit fixing time on the deposit fixing date. Movements in exchange rates can be unpredictable, sudden and drastic, and affected by complex political and economic factors.
    • Liquidity risk – Deposit Plus is designed to be held until maturity. You do not have a right to request early termination of this product before maturity. Under special circumstances, HSBC has the right to accept your early redemption request at its sole discretion and on a case by case basis. HSBC will provide an indication of the redemption price upon such request. Your return upon such early redemption will likely be lower than that if the deposit were held until maturity and may be negative.
    • Credit risk of HSBC – Deposit Plus is not secured by any collateral. When you invest in this product, you will be relying on HSBC's creditworthiness. If HSBC becomes insolvent or defaults on its obligations under this product, you can only claim as an unsecured creditor of HSBC. In the worst case, you could suffer a total loss of your deposit amount.
    • Currency risk – If the deposit currency and/or linked currency is not your home currency, and you choose to convert it back to your home currency upon maturity, you may make a gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations.
    • Risks relating to RMB – You should note that the value of RMB against other foreign currencies fluctuates and will be affected by, amongst other things, the PRC government's control (eg the PRC government regulates conversion between RMB and foreign currencies), which may adversely affect your return under this product. The value of your investment will be subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. In case you receive RMB as the linked currency at maturity and you choose to convert your maturity proceeds to other currencies, you may suffer loss in principal. This product will be denominated (if the deposit currency is in RMB) and settled (received in RMB at maturity) in RMB deliverable in Hong Kong, which is different from that of RMB deliverable in mainland China.